A class-based multiplayer shooter game

Introducing Emily, the heavy; Ben, the soldier; Chip, the sniper; and Jack, the doctor, together they are Frostbite.

Frostbite classes together


The primary emphasis of the game is simplicity and pure fun with a little dose of team play. The game mode is Capture the Flag.


Each class has one weapon and one particular move, and the game starts with four classes.


Frostbite Soldier Class

He uses a machine gun. Bullets are projectiles, and spread will rise when you fire. Secondary fire is laser jump; the soldier can use it most often, and it will be stronger than laser jumps of other classes. Effect on kill will remove his recoil for 5 seconds, heal him for 15 hp, and make him able to make one big laser jump for 5 seconds.


Frostbite Sniper Class

He uses a sniper rifle, of course. Spread will rise with each shot, but much slower when you duck. Secondary fire is laser jump; its rate of fire is low, but the strength of the jump is as strong as soldiers, allowing the sniper to get to the desired camping spot or run away from danger, but it doesn't give him amazing movement in general. Effect on kill will raise sniper damage 2x for 5 seconds, up to 4x, so without this effect, he needs two shots to kill a spawned player. With 2x, he can kill a freshly spawned player with one shot, and with 4x, he will gib everything that moves with one hit. If he kills someone with maximum effect enabled, it will reset its time to 5 seconds, so if the sniper keeps killing every 5 seconds, he will maintain this effect forever.


Frostbite Doctor Class

He uses a nano gun that shoots a condensate blob of nanites, and they will be affected by gravity and behave like nades. On hit, they will apply five 5-second healing on teammates or poison on enemies, allowing doctors to simultaneously heal and fight many targets. If a doctor's healing effect is on a teammate, the doctor gains a smaller healing effect on himself, and it's the only way for a doctor to self-heal; it doesn't stack with more teammates healed at the same time. Secondary fire is laser jump, with an average rate of fire and strength, allowing doctors to run to heal teammates fast enough and escape from enemies leaving them to die. From poison alone, a doctor won't affect kill like other classes; instead, when a doctor does 150 poison damage, his secondary will turn into a powerful healing bomb that will heal 100 hp to every teammate in a large area, including the doctor. When a doctor heals 150 hp with primary fire, his secondary will turn into a powerful beam or aggressive nanites that shoot for 3 seconds.


Frostbite Heavy Class

She uses a rocket launcher. The rate of fire is really low, but rocket explosions are deadly; a direct hit will do 100 damage. Rockets are armed only after some distance from heavy to eliminate close-distance rocket kills that are cheap. Gravity will affect projectiles just a little to make it more accessible to shoot at legs and limit distance. Her secondary fire will create a shockwave that pushes all enemies around the heavy far away, precisely at a range where rockets can kill them. Every time a heavy kills someone, she will gain 3 seconds of invincibility, allowing her to lead an attack or perform a rocket jump without hurting herself. Heavy is the only class that spawns with armor.


A class-based multiplayer shooter game.


The goal of the game is to steal the enemy flag and bring it back to your own flag in the base, just like in an ordinary CTF, but with a small difference: when a flag is dropped, picking it up or returning it takes 3 seconds, because otherwise chasers have always easier to return the flag.


Every weapon has unlimited ammo; players spawn with 100 health that doesn't rot or regenerate, maximum health is 125, maximum armor is 100, the armor gives flat 25% damage reduction, and each damage subtracts 50% damage value from armor.

All weapons are powerful, allowing skilled players to eliminate a bunch of newbies without getting too much damage, but their power is limited enough so the doctor can have some impact on the field.


Players re-spawn in waves; it is balanced carefully so players don't wait dead too long and still allow the team to assault the enemy base with firepower and not only with speed and distraction. It should also not depend on carefully placed spawn points by mappers and work well even if all spawns are next to the flag.


There are two kinds of power-ups. One that drops on player death will affect a single person. Another power-up that will always spawn at the same spot on the map affects the whole team, but to activate them, you must bring them to your base.

Smaller power-ups are 25 health, 50 armor, extra life, and invisibility. Moreover, big power-ups, double damage for the whole team for 10 seconds, instant re-spawn of all dead teammates, 25 armor for all living teammates, and 50 health for all living teammates.

Team Frostbite


  • Morphed (mainly game dev)
  • SoulKeeper_p (mainly web dev)

This game mod was originally powered by Dakplaces engine and Nexuiz.

Frostbite is no longer in active development nor being maintained. The Frostbite website is still being maintained.